Anne J. Cox


Professor of Physics, Eckerd College

Anne J. Cox graduated from a small liberal arts college (Rhodes College, Memphis, TN) before moving to the University of Virginia for her Ph.D. work in experimental cluster science. She started teaching at Eckerd in 1995 and won the Staub Distinguished Teacher of the Year Award in 2004. Her current research explores how technology, especially simulations, and collaborative work can enhance student learning in the classroom. She has developed curriculum using Physlets® and Open Source Physics resources, specifically Easy Java Simulations (simulation building software) and Tracker (video analysis software). She has numerous published articles, talks and workshops and is the co-author of  Physlet® Quantum Physics,  a textbook that combines computer simulations with traditional text for use in upper-level physics courses. She is the co-editor of two digital collections that are a part of the National Sciences Digital Library pathway for physics education, ComPADRE Collections for Open Source Physics and Statistical and Thermal Physics.

She also works with undergraduate students to continue studies in atomic cluster studies, a field of physics that is intermediate between condensed matter and atomic/molecular physics. Her on-campus laboratory provides a hands-on, experimental research experience for both advanced and beginning physics students. The time she spends away from the lab and classroom is happily spent playing (or better, yet: traveling) with her two daughters.

Contact Info:

Office: SHC104-B

Natural Sciences
Eckerd College
4200 54th Ave S
St Petersburg, FL 33711

(727) 864-8435